Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Terrorism Is More Complicated Than Just An Act Of Violence

Imagine standing in the streets of New York City on an ordinary day when 911 occurred. What would you do? Would you run or would you help the people? This would not have happened if we can find a way to prevent terrorism in the United States. Imagine the lives that would have been saved that day. Preventing terrorism would be one of the greatest achievements the United States could complete, but it is a lot harder to prevent terrorism then you might think. If we can prevent terrorism, we would save countless lives, save lots of money, and the world would be safer. First, to stop terrorism we have to know what it even is. To start it off, terrorism is more complicated than just an act of violence. So what are these people who commit these†¦show more content†¦The Preventing Terrorism And Violence organization describes it as an act of violence to complete a man s holy belief. So which one is correct? It is a mix of the two definitions. Nextly there are different types of ter rorism And they are classified by where they occurred. Domestic terrorism is when act of terror occurs within the United States borders.(2) This is one of the two types of terrorism. The other type of terrorism is international terrorism which is opposite of domestic terrorism and the act of terror occurs outside the United States borders.(2) But for any of these to be considered terrorism at all they have to violate federal or state laws. But every attack I know meets this criteria.(2) So where did terrorism come from? It has been around since the beginning of time basically because even in the beginning of time people have done dangerous things to create fear in a person. Terrorism happens all of the time but it is more rare in the U.S. In fact so rare you are more likely to be struck by a bolt of lightening thank either injured or killed by a terrorist attack.(1)So this is some basic info of terrorism but where is terrorism mostly occurring at today? To start it off, terrorism is everywhere basically. But in some countries there is

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